January 25th 2019

Dates for your diary

31/1/19 Year 12 Parents evening
7/2/19 Careers & Preferences Evening
14/2/19 Year 9 Parents Evening
15/2/19 School breaks up for half term

 Headteacher blog:

This week myself and Mrs Titterton, our new office manager, held our first ‘Headteacher Star of the Week’ breakfast. Students were nominated by members of staff.
Then our Heads of House and Head of Sixth form selected one student each to join me for breakfast. Grace, Jenna, Lilly, Joseph and Emily were chosen for a range of reasons: Joseph, for the academic progress he has made during his time with us; Lilly, because she will be performing Giselle with the English Ballet Company (she trains 6 days a week!); Grace, for the leadership skills she has demonstrated in school and Jenna, for exceptional trial examination results. Emily because of her success at interview for a place to study physiotherapy. It was wonderful to listen to them and to talk about their plans for their futures. We have budding illustrators, dancers and physiotherapists in our midst!
You may be aware that the government published their performance tables on Thursday this week reporting on GCSE results. 
If you would like to look at these please see the link below. We were thrilled to be placed 4th in Staffordshire for student progress this year. My thanks to all of our staff and students for their hard work. 





Year 13 students will all have had their mock papers back with grades and how to improve in readiness for their next wave of testing from subject teachers. I would encourage an open conversation at home to see if they have they a revision plan or if they need to amend their revision plan. I would also suggest that they go through the specification and see which topic areas are their weakest and which questions they have struggled with. Encourage them to seek the answers within their text books, class notes and use of the internet, ask them to speak to their subject teacher about skills needed for certain questions and encourage them to practise writing in timed conditions.

For those in Year 13 that have applied to university I encourage them to look at their grades and the courses they have applied for, compare them to their mock results, do they look on track to achieve these grades? I am hoping that the students see their UCAS application as a motivational tool to encourage them to work hard to achieve the entry requirements needed for their favourite university and course. We will support all students within school to help them achieve their goals but we reiterate that there needs to be a large amount of revision completed outside of school.

Students in Year 13 that are looking at apprenticeships, start looking now. Logon to apprenticeship websites, use Unifrog and see what opportunities are there waiting. Last year I spent a considerable amount of time talking about the benefits of undertaking an apprenticeship in comparison to applying to university. It is personal preference but I would certainly recommend that all students in both Years 12 and 13 look at apprenticeships as an option for Post 18.


Elevate Training


This week Elevate came in again to do their final session with our students called ‘Ace your Exams’. They looked at giving yourself adequate time to prepare for exams and gave three steps to prepare:
– Finish notes
– Memorise
– Practise Papers

They also explained how to make the most of practise papers which is particularly useful for Y11 having just had their mock results.

Once you have completed a past paper, look at where marks have been lost and then ask teachers for specific advice on how to improve to gain more marks in these areas next time. They also talked about learning from others around you, for example finding a friend who did well on a paper/question and looking at their answers to understand what they gained their marks for to try and replicate this yourelf.

Please have a look at the student portal on the elevate website where you can download resources to support your child with their study. The website link and password is as follows:

Password – rondo



Bad Weather Procedures


As the forecast is getting, how shall we say, a bit fresher! We thought it prudent to remind you of the bad weather procedures in place. Please see the full procedure in place under this link:

bad weather procedure


Schools Shepherding Competition

8 enthusiastic year 10 animal care students bravely chose to take part in the Inter Schools Shepherding Competition at the National Sheep Event at Bakewell market this last Thursday.

Taking up their lunch times practising for it they have been very dedicated and eager to compete. They each had a specific activity to carry out on the chosen lambs: foot trimming, dagging, drenching and condition scoring.

Unfortunately we didn’t get placed but they all had a fantastic time!

A special mention went out to Chloe Yates who the judge thought was outstanding in her specific activity of drenching the sheep and had top knowledge.
junior shepherding



A good way to revise for GCSE Maths is to do some maths every day. 

Go to https://corbettmaths.com/5-a-day/gcse/ where you will find 5 maths questions for everyday of the year.  You will need to select which level of questions you answer:

Numeracy – broadly designed for students aiming for Grades 1, 2 and 3. 

Foundation – broadly designed for students aiming for Grades 3 and 4. 

Foundation Plus – broadly designed for students aiming for Grades 4, 5 and 6.

Higher – broadly designed for students aiming for Grades 6 and 7.

Higher Plus – broadly designed for students aiming for Grades 8 and 9.

You can either print out the questions or just get them on your phone and use a pen and paper.  The answers are also available so you can mark your own work.

If you are unsure about any of the questions then ask your maths teacher for some help.

 If you are studying A-level maths then there is also a Core 1 5-a-day to practise lots of the pure maths covered in Year 12.




This week’s Science Students of the Week selected by Mr Melland are:

Year 9

Tyler Benton and Lilly May Udale for excellent effort in Physics.

Year 10

Jess Peach and Victoria Morut for excellent effort in the end of unit test.

Year 11

Amy Latchford and Cem Coban for achieving very pleasing marks in the mock exams and beginning good revision habits.

Well done!



Thank you to those parents who completed the Parent View survey last week, your responses are appreciated. If you would like to complete the questionnaire, it is available by following the link below. Parent View allows you to feedback on your child’s experiences at Thomas Alleyne’s High School. The questionnaire has 12 questions and is used by the school to identify what we are doing well and what we need to work on. Parents and carers will need to register on the website in order to complete the questionnaire. If parents or carers have any queries or questions regarding the questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact us.



RE Revision 

Further to information shared earlier this week most students have received  their RS revision guide.  With approximately 13 lessons left until the first exam please make good use of this.  The course revision cards, practice questions and useful tips are included.
Weekly homework will be set to revise the cards in sequence.  This week it is cards 1-4. Some sample revision materials are included below.
Some examples are attached.
Please see your teacher if you need further resources to support your learning.




Learn About Lambing

Our local vets, just cross the road from the farm are holding a lambing course/meeting on Wednesday the 13th of feb at 2pm. I just wondered if any 6th form students that are wanting to be a vet would be interested?
The cost is £5 unless they are already in the small holder club!





Our vet skills programme will be starting again on Tuesday 29th January when we will be looking at caring for our new calves.  On Tuesday 12th February will be looking in more detail at the breeding cycle of our pigs following the introduction of a boar.  All year 10 Animal Care students are welcome.

We are all going to the zoo…..

Last Friday 60 year 11 students spent the day at Twycross zoo in order to collect information for their Animal Care coursework. As part of this work they had to carry out behavioural studies, called ethograms, on three different types of animals.
Following a talk from the education department in which they gained an insight into different types of behaviour and how to log this behaviour, they were allowed to choose which animals to study.  Although cold, many of the animals they studied were housed in heated enclosures so they were able to complete the studies in relative comfort. Most students studied the Chimpanzees, Bonobos or Gibbons as well as the Penguins, Meekats and Snow Leopard.
As well as collecting their data the students also enjoyed visiting the other animals especially the Rainbow Lorikeet which they could feed with nectar.


Computer Science Revision

As the exams are getting closer by the minute it is the ideal time to ‘refresh’ the in school learning at home. Watch a YouTube Video, listen to a GCSE Pod, play a Kahoot quiz – this should be in addition to the homework already set. Repetition is the key!

The ICT & Computing department are building a small website that will bring all of the links together to enable this to happen. This is a work in progress and the pages will be added as we cover the topics in class. So far the pages are in-place to get us to half term….



On Thursday 24th January Mrs Young arranged for one of her Year 10 groups to have the opportunity to listen to a survivor of the Holocaust. This is always an empowering moment as it enables and allows students to hear a first-hand account of what it was like and to relive the memories of a survivor.



About Harry Spiro BEM and Robert Rinder

Harry and Robert share a unique connection; Robert’s grandfather Morris Malenicky was also a Holocaust survivor from the same town as Harry, Piotrkow, in Poland. After the Holocaust, Morris and Harry come over to the UK as part of a group of child survivors and became good friends.

Robert went on a life-changing experience when he took part in BBC One’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’, which saw him follow the story of his grandfather, visiting Piotrkow and learning about the fate of his extended family. The episode was watched by 8 million people and featured Harry and Robert reflecting on the arrival of The Boys to the UK.

The Boys

The first survivors to be admitted to the UK after the Holocaust were a group of child survivors under a special scheme agreed by the Home Office in the summer of 1945. This was in response to a proposal from Jewish philanthropists and aid agencies. Permission was given for up to 1,000 children up to the age of 16 to come to Britain on a temporary basis, with plans for them to subsequently re-emigrate, although this stipulation was soon changed to a restriction that they could not enter employment without Home Office consent. In reality, only 732 children were brought to the UK under the scheme, partly as a result of the difficulties in finding willing survivors and partly because of the financial difficulties of the Jewish agencies supporting them.

‘The Boys’, is the nickname given to these child survivors (although their number included around 80 girls). After their initial stay in Windermere or other reception sites, the majority moved to London where they formed a close-knit group centred around the Primrose Jewish Youth Club, which they founded in Belsize Park north London in 1946. This group then attracted other young survivors who had come to Britain under the Distressed Relatives Scheme. Although the Primrose Club was forced to close in 1949, when it lost its lease, the companionship and support its members offered to each other, shaped by their shared experiences, led to the formation of lifelong bonds which assisted them as they established new lives in Britain. In 1963, at the initiative of Sir Ben Helfgott, The Boys formed the ’45 Aid Society to raise money for charitable causes. The strong relationships between them have been passed through the generations, with The Boys’ children and grandchildren now taking a prominent role in the society’s activities as a striking example of the enduring power of friendship and solidarity.


Year 11 
It is really pleasing to have had so many students coming to lunch-time and after school revision sessions since the beginning of January. Please encourage students to come to these as they are an ideal opportunity to consolidate understanding in a small group environment.
Year 10 and Year 12
Both year groups have end of unit examinations coming up soon – please ask students about their revision.

Business Studies

GCSE Business revision sessions will resume on Tuesday after school in room 40 and on a Wednesday lunch in room 45.

MFL Interventions

GCSE French intervention 
Friday after school room 10 higher
Friday lunchtime room 10 foundation
Tuesday after school room 23 aiming for a 9



House Matches
Thursday 31st January
Boys Basketball and Girls Football
Year 10 P3
Year 9 P4
Year 11 P5
See Heads of House if you want to play.


Follow the links to; School Website, Facebook, Twitter & our Online Shop

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If there are any changes you would like to see please let us know.




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January 18th 2019

Dates for your diary

21/1/19 7pm in the staff room PTA meeting
31/1/19 Year 12 Parents evening
7/2/19 Careers & Preferences Evening
14/2/19 Year 9 Parents Evening
15/2/19 School breaks up for half term

 Headteacher blog:

In Year 9 form tutor period this week the following film was shown: 
If you have not seen it before we felt you may find it interesting to discuss with your son or daughter as they begin the process of making choices regarding the options they select for next year. 
This week we held out trial GCSE results day. We know that  all students understand that the way in which they organise themselves for these final 14 weeks, before their first examinations, will effect the choices ahead of them in the future. There were some very impressive results;  alongside this there were also some results which showed that students are not yet in the best habits for revision. We appreciate any support you can give them in finding a quiet place at home to study and in blocking off some of their time for revision each day. If you as parents need any support please contact your child’s Head of House. 
Year 9 students applied themselves well to their external examinations.10 % of students streamed over 50 podcasts and  20% of our students streamed over 25 podcasts in preparation for their examinations. 
We have a small minority of students who have not set their usernames or streamed any podcasts. If you are able, please ask your son or daughter to show you their GCSEpod account and how many streams they have made. If they have not started as yet, we advise they stream at least 3 a day to help them with their studies. 





UCAS Update

We have had 94 UCAS applications this academic year. Of those 94 students, 77 have heard from one or more of their chosen university choices. Students have been offered unconditional and conditional places, which then leaves them with the choice of which university to choose. I am aware that there have been some rejections and we are supporting them through this. If you, as a parent, would like to discuss this process then please contact at Sixthform@tahs.org.uk





A reminder to all students,  parents and carers.
 Hooded sweatshirts are not part of the uniform at Thomas Alleyne’s High School. We encourage all students to wear a v necked blue or black school sweatshirt over their shirts, especially now that the weather has turned cold. 
We encourage them to also bring outdoor coats, and gloves. If they do bring hooded sweatshirts to school and wear these beneath or over their blazers these will be removed from them to be collected by parents as they are not part of the school uniform. We appreciate parents support with ensuring these sweatshirts, which are not part of our uniform are not brought to school. 



Bad Weather Procedures


As the forecast is getting, how shall we say, a bit fresher!!! We thought it prudent to remind you of the bad weather procedures in place. Please see the full procedure in place under this link:

bad weather procedure



All our Art GCSE students have now submitted their coursework portfolios  worth 60% of their overall grade. Now the talented students are just deciding which of the themes to work with on the Externally Set Assignment (known as the ‘exam unit’) worth 40% of their overall grade. We look forward to hearing about and seeing all their ideas develop over the next 15 weeks. 
The Art department staff are happy to discuss your ideas before you get started and will support you at lunchtimes or Art Club after school. Just check with teacher they are available to supervise. remember to look at the art dept Pinterest boards (great free App) and create your own ideas boards. Check out boards that have related titles- eg “graphic style” contains text based works and could help the ‘messages’ theme, “plants” could help the ‘natural forms’ theme etc.
GCSE ART 10HOUR EXAM DAYS: Thurs 2nd and Fri 3rd May
Year 12
Year 12 Artists & Photographers will be thinking about their ‘personal investigations’ and have impressed staff with their gathering of sources of inspiration or discussions with staff. Some of the themes include : “water”, “hybrid animals”, “catching dreams” and “nature”. 
These will be carefully considered and developed over the next year watch this space…
Y13 Artists & Photographers
In contrast to the year 12’s who are just starting, year 13 have spent over a year crafting their Personal Investigation projects (worth 60%)with a huge range of ideas, themes and interests being explored from “CCTV and surveillance” to “psychedelic fairytales” and “music & sound waves” to “speed &Sport”.  Developing skills and techniques to hone their chosen Art, Craft & design or Photography pathways. We are pleased to see some of our students also recently gain offers from several leading universities and Art Colleges ranging from Marine Photography to Graphic Design and Illustration. Just the motivation to keep going! 
Y13 Art Mock: Mon21st, Tues 22nd, Wed 23rd Jan.
Y13 Photo Mock: Fri 25th. Mon 28th, Tues 29th Jan.
Y13 Art A level Coursework Deadline including essay: Fri 1st Feb 3:05pm
Y13 Photography A level Coursework Deadline including essay: Fri 8th Feb 3:05pm
The much anticipated annual Art& Photography Exhibition: Thursday 20th June 5:30-7:30pm


Book Club

We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a book club. The first meeting will be held on Monday 4th February at lunchtime in the library. The theme will be ‘your favourite book’, so feel free to bring along a copy of your favourite book! The book club is open to students from all years.


PTA Meeting.png



This week’s Science Students of the Week selected by Mrs Pavey are:

Year 9

Dylan McNair for his contributions to the chemistry lessons this week

Cole Moody for his progress in physics

Year 10

Callum Stockbridge for achievement in physics

Freya Bettaney for her consistent positive attitude in physics and willingness to try

Year 11

Libby Fry and Aaron Gwynne for their achievements in the physics mock exam

Well done!




We would like to invite all parents and carers to complete a Parent View online questionnaire. Parent View allows you to feedback on your child’s experiences at Thomas Alleyne’s High School. The questionnaire has 12 questions and is used by the school to identify what we are doing well and what we need to work on. Parents and carers will need to register on the website in order to complete the questionnaire. If parents or carers have any queries or questions regarding the questionnaire, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



Year 9 Future Intentions

Year 9 students have reached the point in the year where they will be asked to decide which subjects they would like to study in Years 10 and 11 for their GCSE’s. The Year 9 options process will begin a series of information events designed to inform parents and students of what we offer.  The first parent event will be the Future Intentions Evening on Thursday 7th February from 6pm till 8pm. This evening will involve a presentation in the theatre on the option subjects available to students and how the options process works. The evening also includes the Future Intentions Fair that will have over 40 employers and representatives from universities and colleges. This is open to students in all years but will allow Yr9 students and parents to discuss the option subjects with Heads of Departments. In the run up to this event we would encourage parents and carers to start talking to your child about their future and what their aspirations are.


Year 11 Geography

With just 17 weeks until the first GCSE Geography exam, we would like to take the opportunity of reminding parents of where you and your child can access information about the Geography exams and what makes a good geography answer! If you have any questions about the Geography exams, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Follow the links to; School Website, Facebook, Twitter & our Online Shop

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If there are any changes you would like to see please let us know.




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January 11th 2019

Dates for your diary

21/1/19 7pm in the staff room PTA meeting
31/1/19 Year 12 Parents evening
7/2/19 Careers & Preferences Evening
14/2/19 Year 9 Parents Evening
15/2/19 School breaks up for half term

 Headteacher blog:

This week, I held a Year 9 assembly to support students in their preparation for their examinations next week. Following the assembly, students asked that I share some additional resources with them that they can use this weekend in their preparations for English examination. I have copied the message for students below for you. 
Year 9 Examinations. Message sent to students. 
Please ensure you use GCSEpod to prepare for your core examinations.
We strongly urge you to prepare the section under ‘English Language (Full course)’ ‘Reading Fiction and Creative Writing’. There are about 20 podcasts for you to revise. Remember to make notes, mind maps or revision cards, as you listen.
In addition to this, you may wish to use the following links to prepare for your English Language Examinations from youtube. There is clear guidance for you on how to approach question 1,2,3 and question 4. 
Don’t expect to find this easy, but you can pause the podcast to re-play it to help you understand the sections you find more difficult. 
How long you spend on your revision is up to you but everyone is expected to complete a minimum of 3 hours. Many of you will do much more. 
If your sons and daughters are in Year 10 or 11 and have not watched these videos already, we urge them to do so as they are an excellent way to prepare for Paper 1 of their English Language examination. Our thanks to Mr Salles for sharing his resources. 
We are now in the countdown to launching GCSE+ for Year 11 students. I am excited that this year I will be teaching on this course and look forward to meeting my group of students. The aim of the programme is to provide additional support, in small groups, in a subject which students may be finding challenging. 
Finally, I would like to mention a drama lesson I joined today. The students were studying a text called Blood Brothers. The arts are hugely important in our school and this lesson demonstrated all the benefits of studying this particular subject. Students engaged in public speaking, working as a team, and developing innovative and creative ideas. 





When we look at the start of the New Year we look towards a fresh start, or to build on previous successes and to work toward achieving our goals, within the Sixth Form we have sought out opportunities for our students so that we can provide new and exciting opportunities. It is important to us that all students are given a chance to enrich their learning, to allow themselves to exceed expectations and to push themselves and try new things. With that mind, please be aware of the following opportunities that we have for our students.

 All of this will be posted on the Opportunities board (6th from entrance), will be emailed to form tutors and will be sent out via INSIGHT.

  1. Oxford and Cambridge Taster Conference:

Trip to FREE Oxford and Cambridge Conference on the 18th of March (a small amount to cover travel costs will be required, those that are awarded the DBS the travel costs will be taken from this).

Additional info: These full-day conferences are available to students from all UK schools and colleges currently in Year 12 studying for A Levels or BTECS . The conferences include:

Course information sessions with taster lectures delivered by current Oxford and Cambridge teaching staff

Up-to-date information on applying to Oxford and Cambridge (including Student Life)

Student finance and graduate prospects

Information for teachers and HE advisers

Admissions Tutors and other staff from both universities will be on hand to answer questions and there will be the opportunity to talk informally to current undergraduates.  

The conference is purely for information gathering and to make an informed decision – there is no obligation to apply. There are 15 places available.


  1. Sutton Trust Summer school:

Sutton Trust Summer schools offer students a week-long residential at one of their thirteen partner Universities which include: Bristol. Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Imperial College London, Kings College London, Nottingham, Glasgow, Cardiff, Royal Veterinary College, St Andrews, UCL and Warwick. There are over 40 subjects on offer.

Students apply for a course they would like to study, and through academic taster classes, guidance sessions and social activities, the programme provides an insight into the realities of university life.

 All costs including travel, accommodation, food and activities are covered by the Trust and our partners which means it is completely free of charge for students to attend. 

  1. Bremen Summer Camp 2019:

Free two-week residential for 16 and 17-year olds,

14 – 28 July 2019 (Time off school will be authorised – one week of Summer holiday).  This experience gives young people aged 16 and 17 the opportunity to be part of an historic project that has taken place in Staffordshire for almost 60 years.  Participants from Staffordshire and Germany spend two weeks together learning new things, making friends and of course, having fun!

During this free, two-week project whilst staying in the heart of Cannock Chase, you will be able to enjoy an exciting programme which includes things like:

 Social activities like bowling, trampolining and outdoor adventures.

Visit to Coventry Cathedral & free time in Coventry.

Activities with local veterans and civic dignitaries.

 Tending to the German War Graves and learning about some of the people buried in the cemetery on Cannock Chase.

Visit to National Memorial Arboretum.

 Civic events including a high-profile wreath laying ceremony.

Planning and hosting a celebration evening at the end of the two weeks.

  1. We have a work experience opportunity for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in Architecture.
  2. Lastly we have a journalism opportunity to write a monthly column for a local magazine. 

Please discuss these opportunities with your child and encourage them to make the most of these opportunities.

On Monday 14th January all students will need to have their new swipe cards with them so that they can access a new gate that has been installed on site. All students have been issued with these cards and have signed for them. It is important that this card is kept safe and instructions on correct usage have been provided.

Next week Year 13 students will be receiving their mock results, while we hope that successes are celebrated we would like to offer this opportunity to inform our Year 13 students that if they have achieved the grade they required then we encourage them to seek further support and guidance on how to improve and learn from errors made. 


Thanks to the Staff

Before Christmas the staff held their annual hamper raffle raising money for the Arch refuge in Stoke. Further to our donation we have received the following letter:


arch letter.png

Safety Advice


Safety advice for children as it gets colder. We want to inform them to stay away from frozen rivers, lakes and ponds.

The weather is getting colder so Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service wanted to make your students aware of the dangers of frozen water. Iced over water has dangerously low temperatures which would be a real shock to the system and means that people can very quickly get into difficulty.

Our advice is as follows:

Make sure children understand how dangerous it is to play on ice. Tell them to stay away from frozen rivers, lakes and ponds.

Don’t wander too near to the edge, icy or wet conditions could cause you to slip and fall in

Don’t be tempted to test the thickness of the ice; it’s easy to slip from the bank and fall through into the freezing water

Dog owners should ensure they keep their pets on a lead so they are not at risk of falling in

If you see someone, or a pet, fall through ice and get into difficulty do not risk yourself by trying to rescue them -instead ring 999 and ask for the fire and rescue service immediately.

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue’s website contains a short film which highlights the dangers of children playing on ice. We would be very grateful if you would share this with children of a suitable age within your school.  


A50 Update

We are pleased to share with you the latest information on the revised A50 and the planned closures to complete phase 1. All details can be found on this web-page:

Year 9 Maths Exams


The Year 9 maths exam takes place on Tuesday 15th January.  It is a non-calculator exam.

You will need the following equipment for your exam: black pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, compass.  All equipment can be purchased from the online shop (see link at bottom of the newsletter) or from the maths department.

A list of topics to revise has been put on Insight. 

A great way to revise for this exam is to use https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/

login is your school login followed by @tahs  eg smithjohn04@tahs

password is triangle

Happy revising and good luck!


Applications to stand as a candidate in Staffordshire’s UK Youth Parliament elections now open

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) provides opportunities for 11-18 year olds to encourage young people in their local area to make a difference on issues that matter to them.

Applications are now open for anyone who is interested in standing for Member of Youth Parliament (MYP) in Staffordshire. We are able to elect 4 MYPs who will be in their role for one year, until February 2020. Applications close on 7 January.

To be eligible to stand for election you must be:

  • Aged between 11 and 18 on 01 March 2019.
  • Live, go to school, work or volunteer in Staffordshire (not Stoke-on-Trent).
  • Not be standing for election in any other constituency.

You can find out more about the UK Youth Parliament on their website, & watch the video to see what Alfie got up to in his two years as MYP.




December Puzzle of the Month – Car Sales

Answer – Week 1 – 15 Week 2 – 18 Week 3 – 23
So answer 23
See Mr Askey for your prize if you were correct.

Art Exam Evening

The Art Exam Evening on the 9th January went fantastically well, it is superb to see so many students and parents participate- Thanks to all who attended. 
We are all excited to see what students will devise and prepare for throughout the next term leading up to their exam following the Easter Holiday.  All resources will be emailed out to students through Insight. If any students and parents missed the evening, all resources and information will be explained to students in lessons following the coursework deadline on Monday 14th January.
As always after school sessions will be essential in securing success in the exam unit
art exam evening


This week’s Science Students of the Week selected by Mrs Hughes are:

Year 10

Eve Rigby and Felicity Burgess for commitment to chemistry lessons.

Year 11

Lucy Greatrex and Gregor Hayes for contributions to chemistry lessons.

Well done!



U16 Basketball
On Thursday evening our U16 boys reached the semi final of the basketball county cup where they lost narrowly to champions St John Fisher from Newcastle.  We took an early lead and gave the favourites a real scare in the opening quarter.  All the squad got good game time and made a positive contribution.
Top scorer was Harry Taylor, Captain- Connor McLoughlin,
Oliver Jones, Harvey Belcher, Haydn Fisher, Lewis Caparis, Jed Brunt, Ben Wain, Adam Matthews, Reuben Punchard.
U15 Football
Our U15 boys had the honour of hosting a football academy from Perth, Australia who are over on a British tour.  Whilst the scoreline didn’t go in our favour the game was an opportunity to play against some international standard players.
U14 Basketball
Our U14’s made their school basketball debut narrowly losing to Robert Sutton School.
u14 bball.png

BTEC Animal Care External Exam

Yr11 BTEC Animal Care students have been busy preparing for their external exam which will take place on Monday 14th January at 9am.  We have had over 30 students attending after school revision sessions on Tuesday and Thursday and there will be a final preparation session from 8am on Monday morning.


Sixth Form Applications. 

Although the deadline for Sixth Form applications was today we have been approached by some students in Year 11 who have not quite managed to complete their application for today. With that in mind we have decided to extend the deadline to Friday 18th January. Please ensure that all applications are in before the deadline.




Follow the links to; School Website, Facebook, Twitter & our Online Shop

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If there are any changes you would like to see please let us know.




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